

Here is my December length check pic. This month I was applying essential oils a little too heavily and experiencing breakage from the ombré but overall, I was seeing growth and shine!


Length Checks


I have a blog. I browse blogs. I write blog posts. And within all that, I’ve come to the conclusion that pictures are of the utmost importance. When you read a hair care blog, you inevitably want to see the person who’s writing this blog. Is it their face you want to see? No. It’s their hair! I mean, they are writing about hair and telling you what to use ON your hair to achieve a desired length, feel and/or thickness. So, I feel that it is time that I post regular length checks of my hair in this journey to length retention and healthy hair!

I would ask that my lovely viewers be mindful of the common hair setbacks and monthly trims (6-8 weeks) that occur throughout this process but all in the same, let the length checks begin!